Sunday, April 10, 2011

Information panopticon-explaing this using ICt

Information  panopticon –  Explaing this using ICT.

                     A Panopticon  refers to a circular building with a observation tower in the center of an open space surrounded by an outer wall made up of cells for inmates. The purpose of a panopticon is to increase the security through the effectiveness of surveillance. The inmates cannot observe the actions of the other fellow inmates, but everyone's actions can be surveyed from the panopticon.  Although this style of architecture could be used for various institutions such as schools, factories and the like, Bentham specifically uses a prison as an example. The inside of the tower, though, cannot be seen. It individualizes and leaves them constantly visible; never knowing when they are being observed. The occupant is always “the object of information, never a subject in communication.”  This type of design can be used for any population that needs to be kept under observation, such as: prisoners, schoolchildren, medical patients or workers.

Information and communications technology or information and communication technology, usually called ICT, is often used as an extended synonym for information technology (IT) but is usually a more general term that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), intelligent building management systems and audio-visual systems in modern information technology. ICT consists of all technical means used to handle information and aid communication, including computer and network hardware, communication middleware as well as necessary software. As these ICTs are introduced into the workplace, managers and employees are discovering the hierarchical risks within information authority. Zuboff explains that these information centers help managers in a workplace to revamp their methods of communication, invite feedback, listen, coach, facilitate, manage many objectives, encourage autonomy, provide vision .The engagements a manager previously dealt with in a face-to-face setting can now be administered through a system that operates in a ubiquitous way. In other words, technology can be used as a form of power that displays itself automatically and continuously.
Contemporary social critics often assert that technology has allowed for the deployment of panoptic structures invisibly throughout society. Surveillance by closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras in public spaces is an example of a technology that brings the gaze of a superior into the daily lives of the populace. Furthermore, a number of cities in the United Kingdom, including Middlesbrough, Bristol, Brighton and London have recently added loudspeakers to a number of their existing CCTV cameras. They can transmit the voice of a camera supervisor to issue audible messages to the public.
The pupose of CCTV camers is to observe more no peoples in some places so that polices can know easily what  is happening and they can punish, which was the priniciple or Jeremy Bentham’s architecture of prison to view more no.of prisoners by one observer and help police to “DOMINATE ” by knowing what everyone is doing.
J.santosh kumar

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