Thursday, March 3, 2011

Babbage located intelligence in the mind not the attentive crafting body...

In the early 18th century, with the invention of Watt's steam engine began a slow transition in parts of Europe previously manual labor and draft-animal–based economy towards machine-based manufacturing. With the complete mechanization of the textile industries began so called the 'Industrial Revolution'. In this time of history the European society started transforming, there was an emergence of a new labor class. The understanding of life was more mechanistic by which mind was viewed separated from the body.

                                             Babbage   constructed  not merely  a political  economic theory  of machines,  but also an ontology,  an understanding  of reality  prior  to  machines,  humans,  and  the  economy,  and,  indeed, prior  to both  history  and  nature.He  reconceived  the  mechanical  as  a  political ontological  category  prior  to  historical  and  economic  reality.Babbage  and  Ure  center  their  representations  of  the  factory on  representations  of machinery;  for both,  the machine  is a means of  disciplining  labor, and  the  factory  an  assemblage  of  such  machines. Babbage writes: "One great advantage  which we may derive  from machinery  is  from  the  check which  it affords  against  the  inattention,  the  idleness,  or  the  dishonesty  of  human  agents"
Mechanized  factory  labor tends  to make  itself obsolete,  assuming  a steady  demand  for, and a steady  value  of,  goods.  The  problem  of discipline  becomes  centered  on  leisure  rather than  labor to the  extent  that labor can produce  enough  leisure  to make  itself mostly obsolete.
                   Babbage’s definition of intelligence is the combination of memory and foresight. According  to Babbage the owner of an article is the person who designs rather than a person who crafts it. It can be seen when Babbage laid claims to owning the means of production, while his engineer thought he could make more calculating engines if they went into production. In Babbage own words on the 'Calculating engine':
For Babbage,  the  division  of  labor also  allows each  task to be  divided up  into  subtasks  that  require  different  levels  of  skill,  so  that  no one  labors beneath  his or her  level  of  skill.Babbage  sees  in  the  division of labor the possibility of an inclusive distribution  of skill that incorporates  all  varieties  of workers  into  the  factory, For Babbage,  the calculability  and the mechanical  quality  of both humans and machines  are merely  instances  of the calculability and  the mechanical  quality of  the universe  itself.Babbage's  most famous  project,  his attempt  to build a "calculating engine,"  relied on  such a conception of the calculable  and rule-governed  nature  of reality.  Babbage  hoped this engine would mechanically  produce  and print  logarithmic  and other mathematical  tables  (used at the time, for example,  in navigation,  astronomy,and surveying).

"One great advantage which we may derive from machinery is from the check which it affords against the inattention, the idleness, or the dishonesty of human agents"
By this he makes a worker in a factory a 'slave of the machine', while factory represent 'admirable adaptations of human skill and intelligence' where we see 'the triumph of mind over matter'. Babbage puts machines between the mind and body, as the workers(body) are its slave while mind triumphs over machine.
   BY: D .chaitanya kumar( EE09B084)


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